FY 2009 GASR Outcomes

2009年度に科学研究費補助金・基盤研究 C「転換期における「貧困」に関するアウグスティヌスの洞察と実践の研究 Augustine’s Understanding and Practice of Poverty in an Era of Crisis」の成果として公刊した論考は以下の通り:

  • K. Demura, ‘Poverty in Augustine’s Understanding of his Monastic Life’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol. 5 (Strathfield 2009) 299–306.
  • N. Kamimura, ‘The Emergence of Poverty and the Poor in Augustine’s Early Works’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol. 5 (Strathfield 2009) 283–298.