2nd Circular of the Int’l Conference “Liturgy as Practice, Space, and Theory in Eastern Christianities”

2nd Circular of the International Conference “Liturgy as Practice, Space, and Theory in Eastern Christianities” that will be held from 1–4 October 2019 in Kirillov, Russia:
The editorial board of Scrinium. Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography (http://brill.com/scri) and Kirillo-Belozerky Federal State Museum (https://kirmuseum.org/en) as Organisers would like to ask those of you who intend to participate to finalize their submissions. In order to do so, please provide a paper title and an abstract (no more than 150 words) at liturgyconference2019@gmail.com by 1 May 2019. The only working language of the conference is English.
For more information, please see the PDF file.