CfP ‘Ministerium Sermonis’ Leuven, May 2020

Call for Papers: ‘Ministerium Sermonis: An International Colloquium on St. Augustine’s Sermons,’ which will be held at Hollands College, KU Leuven, from 27–29 May 2020.
This conference will bring together scholars who have recently made important contributions to the study of Augustine’s sermons. It is a sequel to the series of Ministerium Sermonis–conferences organised in Leuven-Turnhout (2008), Rome (2011) and Malta (2015), the proceedings of which have been published in the series Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 53, 65 & 75 (Turnhout: Brepols 2009, 2012, 2017). The main focus will be on three areas of research: (1) The transmission and reception of Augustine’s sermons, (2) Augustine’s argumentation (doctrine, exegesis and rhetoric), (3) Political doctrine(s) and praxis in Latin Patristic sermons.
If you would like to deliver a lecture during this conference, please send the provisional title, abstract (max. 500 words) and a concise CV (max. 500 words) before 31 May 2019, to Shari Boodts at
For more information, please see the file.

Augustine’s New sermons from Erfurt

2007年夏に Erfurt ‘Bibliotheca Amploniana’ で発見されたアウグスティヌスの説教について、ウェッブ上で読むことのできる記事には、Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung での Neue Augustinus-Predigten in der Erfurter Universitätsbibliothek entdeckt、Roger Pearse による New sermons of St. Augustine found in the Erfurt ‘Bibliotheca Amploniana’、また、Benoît Grière による Sermons inédits de saint Augustin découverts à Erfurt がある。その主題はつぎのとおり。

  • Erfurt 1: De Perpetua and Felicitas
  • Erfurt 2: De elemosynis rerum spiritalium
  • Erfurt 3: De ministris rerum carnalim quod fit in sanctor
  • Erfurt 4: De elemosynis quae fiunt in omnes
  • Erfurt 5: De resurrectione mortuorum in natali marcellini martyris
  • Erfurt 6: In natali martyris Cypriani


追記 (31 Jan) 作成した文献表 PDF file を、Augustine にアップロードし、同じファイルを の自分のページにもアップロードする。