CfP ‘Ministerium Sermonis’ Leuven, May 2020

Call for Papers: ‘Ministerium Sermonis: An International Colloquium on St. Augustine’s Sermons,’ which will be held at Hollands College, KU Leuven, from 27–29 May 2020.
This conference will bring together scholars who have recently made important contributions to the study of Augustine’s sermons. It is a sequel to the series of Ministerium Sermonis–conferences organised in Leuven-Turnhout (2008), Rome (2011) and Malta (2015), the proceedings of which have been published in the series Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 53, 65 & 75 (Turnhout: Brepols 2009, 2012, 2017). The main focus will be on three areas of research: (1) The transmission and reception of Augustine’s sermons, (2) Augustine’s argumentation (doctrine, exegesis and rhetoric), (3) Political doctrine(s) and praxis in Latin Patristic sermons.
If you would like to deliver a lecture during this conference, please send the provisional title, abstract (max. 500 words) and a concise CV (max. 500 words) before 31 May 2019, to Shari Boodts at
For more information, please see the file.

Aug. De musica references A


  • 1. Mauri edition 1679
  • 2. Revised in 1836 by the Gaume fratres
  • 3. Migne in PL 32 (1845) 1081-1194
  • 4. BA 7 (1949) ed. Guy Finaert (books 1-5) and F.-J. Thonnard (book 6)
  • 5. e-Text posted on Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
  • 6. Martin JACOBSSON, Aurelius Augustinus. De musica VI. A Critical Edition with a Translation and an Introduction. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Latina Stockholmiensia 47. Stockholm/Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2002. Pp. CXVIII + 144. 第6巻のみ校訂版を所収。この本についての書評は、BMCRで読むことができる: Reviewed by Brad Eden, University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.05.13
    Martin Jacobsson at Göteborgs universitet.
  • さらに、Dr Patrick Le Boeufが立案したCSELからの校訂テキストが、現在M. Jacobssonによって準備中とのこと。

Aug. Confessions commentaries


  • S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones: ad fidem codicum Lipsiensium et editionum antiquiorum recognitas, edidit Car. Her. Bruder (Lipsiae: Sumptibus et typis Caroli Tauchnitii, 1837).
  • S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones, post editionem Parisiensem novissimam ad fidem codicum Oxoniensium recognitæ, et post editionem M. Dubois ex ipso Augustino illustratæ, in Bibliotheca patrum Ecclesiae Catholicae qui ante Orientis et Occidentis schisma floruerunt, 1 (Oxonii: J. H. Parker, 1838). [This series was edited by Edward Bouverie Pusey, signing himself E. B. P., Frederick Field, Charles Marriott, and others. Editor’s preface (“Monitum”) signed E. B. P. (i.e. Edward Bouverie Pusey)].
  • Sancti Augustini Confessionum libri tredecim, auf Grundlage der Oxforder edition, herausgeben und erläutert von Karl von Raumer (2nd edn, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, 1876). [First edn, 1856].
  • The confessions of Augustine, John Gibb and William Montgomery (eds), in Cambridge patristic texts (2nd edn, Cambridge: At the University Press, 1927). [First edn, 1908].
  • The confessions of St. Augustine: books I-IX (selections), with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by James Marshall Campbell and Martin R. P. McGuire (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc , 1931).
  • S. Aurelii Augustini Confessionum Libri XIII, introductione et notis aucti cura et studio Iosephi Capello. (Torino: Marietti, 1948).
  • Pellegrino, Michel, Les confessions de Saint Augustin: guide de lecture (Paris: Études Augustiniennes, 1960).
  • Les Confessions, texte de l’édition de M. Skutella, Introduction et notes par A. Solignac, traduction de E. Tréhorel et G. Bouissou, in Oeuvres de saint Augustin, 13-14 (Paris: Desclée de Brouver, 1962).
  • Bekenntnisse, eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Joseph Bernhart; mit einem Vorwort von Ernst Ludwig Grasmück, in Insel Taschenbuch 1002 (Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 1987).
  • Starnes, Colin, Augustine’s Conversion: A Guide to the Argument of “Confessions” 1-9 (Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1990).
  • Confessions, James J. O’Donnell (ed), 3 vols (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992). [Vol. 1 Introduction and text — v. 2 Commentary on books 1-7 — v. 3 Commentary on books 8-13].
  • Confessions, Books 1-4, Gillian Clark (ed), in Cambridge Greek and Latin classics. Imperial library (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
  • Sant’Agostino, Confessioni, introduzione generale di Jacques Fontaine; bibliografia generale di José Guirau; testo criticamente riveduto e apparati scritturistici a cura di Manlio Simonetti; traduzione di Gioacchino Chiarini; commento a cura di Marta Cristiani … [et al.], in Scrittori greci e latini, vol. I-V (Milano: Mondadori: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 1992-1997) [v. 1: Libri I-III, 1992; 2nd edn, 1997 — v. 2: Libri IV-VI, 1993 — v. 3: Libri VII-IX, 1994 — v. 4: Libri X-XI, 1996 — v. 5: Libri XII-XIII, 1997].
  • Saint Augustin, Les Confessions précédées de Dialogues philosophiques, Oeuvre 1, édition publiée sous la direction de Lucien Jerphagnon avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Sophie Astic, Jean-Yves Boriaud, Patrice Cambronne, Jean-Louis Dumas, Sophie Dupuy-Traudelle et Henri-Pierre Tardif de Lagneau, in Bibliothèque de la Pléiade 448 (Paris: Gallimard, 1998).
  • Quinn, John M., A Companion to the Confessions of St. Augustine (New York; Oxford: Peter Lang, 2002).
  • A Reader’s Companion to Augustine’s Confessions, Kim Paffenroth and Robert P. Kennedy (eds) (Louisville, Ky.; London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003).
  • Vaught, Carl G., The Journey toward God in Augustine’s Confessions: Books I-VI (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2003).
  • Vaught, Carl G., Encounters with God in Augustine’s Confessions: Books VII-IX (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004).
  • Vaught, Carl G., Access to God in Augustine’s Confessions: Books X-XIII (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2005).

Synopsis of the De immortalitate animae (by the transl. of G. Watson)

§ 1. The human soul lives for ever, because it is in the soul that a discipline is found
§ 2. A discipline could not belong to the soul if the soul were a harmony of the body. The soul is reason, or reason is in it, and therefore the soul lives for ever
§ 3-4. Not everything which moves is changed, but only a living reality can move without being changed. Intention can cause change without itself being changed
§ 5. The perpetuity of disciplines guarantees immortality of the soul
§ 6. The soul possesses truths (e.g., of mathematics) even unconsciously, and these are immortal
§ 7. Kinds of change in the soul
§ 8-9. In the soul as in other subjects there can be accidental changes without substantial change
§ 10. Meaning of “ratio”
§ 11. “Ratio” and soul are inseparable, and so soul is immortal
§ 12. Turning from ratio is a diminution. But a body may be infinitely lessened and not reach nothingness. Much more so, the, the soul.
§ 13. Being and “species”, form, beauty.
§ 14-15. No thing makes itself. What is not made and nevertheless exists is eternal. An incorporeal force holds the universe together.
§ 16. The soul is life and therefore cannot die.
§ 17. The soul is not a blending of elements in the body, as is shown by its contemplation of the intelligibles
§ 18. The soul cannot perish by lessening and it cannot perish through falsity
§ 19. The soul cannot perish through truly being
§ 20. The soul will not change into body because a) the soul does not wish it
§ 21. b) The soul cannot be forced to be a body by a body
§ 22. c) The soul cannot be forced to be a body by a soul in an animated body
§ 23. d) The soul cannot be forced to be a body by sleep
§ 24. e) The soul cannot be forced to be a body, because the body receives its form through the soul
§ 25. f) The soul cannot be changed into an irrational soul. Forms transmitted from above. Soul distinguished from extended body

Augustine’s New sermons from Erfurt

2007年夏に Erfurt ‘Bibliotheca Amploniana’ で発見されたアウグスティヌスの説教について、ウェッブ上で読むことのできる記事には、Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung での Neue Augustinus-Predigten in der Erfurter Universitätsbibliothek entdeckt、Roger Pearse による New sermons of St. Augustine found in the Erfurt ‘Bibliotheca Amploniana’、また、Benoît Grière による Sermons inédits de saint Augustin découverts à Erfurt がある。その主題はつぎのとおり。

  • Erfurt 1: De Perpetua and Felicitas
  • Erfurt 2: De elemosynis rerum spiritalium
  • Erfurt 3: De ministris rerum carnalim quod fit in sanctor
  • Erfurt 4: De elemosynis quae fiunt in omnes
  • Erfurt 5: De resurrectione mortuorum in natali marcellini martyris
  • Erfurt 6: In natali martyris Cypriani


追記 (31 Jan) 作成した文献表 PDF file を、Augustine にアップロードし、同じファイルを の自分のページにもアップロードする。

Augustine’s Immortality of the Soul

Augustine, De immortalitate animaeについてさしあたって作成した文献表をアップロード。これではまだ充分でないので、修正、補訂をする必要がある。表記については、あとのことを考えてイタリック体を省略。

  • Texts and translations (chronological)
    1. Augustine: Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae), trans. G. G. Leckie (New York: Appleton-Century, 1938).
    2. FaCh 4
    3. Oeuvres de saint Augustin, vol. 5. Dialogues philosophiques, II. Dieu et l’âme: Soliloquia – De immortalitate animae – De quantitate animae, ed. and trans. P. de Labriolle (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer 1948).
    4. Aurelius Augustinus: Selbstgespräche über Gott und die Unsterblichkeit der Seele, trans. Hans-Peter Müller Harald Fuchs, Die Bibliothek der Alten Welt, Reihe Antike und Christentum 2 (Zürich-Stuttgart: Artemis, 1954).
    5. NBA 3
    6. De immortalitate animae of Augustine, ed. & trans. C. W. Wolfskeel (Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1977).
    7. Michèle Pépin, Augustin d’Hippone: De immortalitate animae, Thèse de 3e cycle (Université de Paris, Paris, 1984). 408 p.
    8. Sancti Aureli Augustini Opera, ed. W. Hörmann, CSEL 89 (Wien 1986) 101-128.
    9. Saint Augustine, Soliloquies and Immortality of the Soul, trans. G. Watson (Warminster 1990).
    10. Saint Augustin, Les Confessions précédées de Dialogues philosophiques Œuvres, I, ed. L. Jerphagnon (Paris 1998): trans. S. Dupuy-Trudelle, 253-273.
    11. De immortalitate animae – L’immortalità dell’anima, Testo Latino-Italiano, ed. and trans. Giuseppe Balido (Napoli: Editrice Domenicana Italiana, 2010). 223 p.
  • Secondary literatures (alphabetical)
    1. Acworth, Richard, “Two Studies of St. Augustine’s Thought (2.) St. Augustine and the Teleological Argument for the Immortality of the Soul”, The Downside Review 75 (1957) 215-221.
    2. Balido, Giuseppe, “Sul de immortalitate animae di Agostino”, in: Gaetano di Palma, ed., Deum et animam scire cupio. Agostino alla ricerca de vero su Dio e l’uomo, Biblioteca teologica napoletana 30 (Napoli: Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia meridionale, 2010) 141-162.
    3. Cutino, Michele, “Felicità terrena ed immortalità nell’Hertensius ciceroniano ed in Agostino”, Sileno 22 (1996) 69-80.
    4. De Capitani, Franco, “Platone, Plotino, Porfirio e S. Agostino sull’immortalità dell’anima intesa come vita (Phaed. 102a ss.; Enn. IV, 7, 11; .z. apud Nem.Em., De nat.hom. 3, ed. Dörrie, p. 58; De imm. IX, 16/De Trin. X, 7, 9)”, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 76 (1985) 230-244.
    5. Dörrie, Heinrich, Porphyrios’ “Symmikta Zetemata” Ihre Stellung in System und Geschichte des Neuplatonisumu nebst enem Kommentaru zu den Fragmenten (Münche 1959).
    6. Doucet, Dominique, “Soliloques II, 13, 23, et les magni philosophi”, Revue des études augustiniennes 39 (1993) 109-128.
    7. Drecoll, Volker Henning, “Immortalitate animae (De -)”, in: Augustinus-Lexikon 3 (Basel: Schwabe, 2004-10) 530-535.
    8. Du Roy, Olivier, L’intelligence de la foi en la Trinité selon saint Augustin: Genèse de sa théologie trinitaire jusqu’en 391 (Paris 1966).
    9. Flórez, Ramiro, “Muerte e inmortalidad en el pensamiento de San Agustín”, La Viudad de Dios 174 (1961) 449-482.
    10. Giovanni, Alberto di, Verità, parola, immortalità in sant’Agostino (Palermo, 1979).
    11. Madec, Goulven, “Le spiritualisme augustinien à la lumière du ‘De immortalitate animae’”, L’opera letteraria di Agostino tra Cassiciacum e Milano. Agostino nelle terre di Ambrogio (Palermo 1987) 179-190 = G. Madec, Petites Etudes Augustiniennes. Études Augustiniennes, série antiquité 142 (Paris 1994) 109-115.
    12. Mourant, John A., Augustine on Immortality, The Saint Augustine Lecture 1968 (Villanova 1969).
    13. Mourant, John A., “Remarks on the De Immortalitate Animae”, Augustinian Studies 2 (1971) 213-217.
    14. Nakagawa, Sumio. [中川純男『存在と知 アウグスティヌス研究』(東京, 2000)].
    15. O’Connell, Robert J., St. Augustine’s Early Theory of Man, A.D.386-391 (Cambridge, Ma. 1968).
    16. Paletta, John, “De ordo sapientiae: Augustine’s program for philosophical study in his early works”, Augustiniana 61 (2011) 55-74.
    17. Penaskovic, Richard, “An Analysis of St. Augustine’s ‘De Immortalitate Animae’”, Augustinian Studies 11 (1980) 167-176.
    18. Pépin, Jean, “Une nouvelle source de saint Augustin: le zêthma de Porphyre sur l’union de l’âme et du corps”, Revue des études anciennes 66 (1964) 53-107 = Ex platonicorum persona. Études sur les lectures philosophiques de saint Augustin (Amsterdam 1977) 213-267.
    19. Schneider, Rudolf, Seele und Sein: Ontologie bei Augustin und Aristoteles (Stuttgard 1957).
    20. Van Fleteren, Frederick, “Immortalitas”, in: Augustinus-Lexikon 3 (Basel: Schwabe, 2004-10) 525-529.
    21. Verbeke, Gérard, L’Évolution de la doctrine du pneuma du stoïcisme: Étude philosophique (Paris-Louvain 1945).
    22. Verbeke, Gérard, ‘Spiritualité et immortalité de l’âme chez saint Augustin’, Augustinus Magister 2 (Paris 1954) 329-334.
    23. Wolfskeel, Cornelia W., “Ist Augustin in De immortalitate animae von der gedankenwelt des Porhyrios beeinflusst worden?”, Vigiliae Christianae 26 (1972) 130-145.
    24. Wolfskeel, Cornelia W., “Augustin über die Weltseele in der Schrift—De immortalitate animae”, Theta-pi 1 (1972) 81-103.
    25. Zum Brunn, Emilie, “Le dilemme de l’être et du néant chez saint Augustin: des premiers dialogues aux ‘Confessions’”, Recherches Augustiniennes 6 (1969) 3-102.

Psychology and Augustine’s City of God

Boston College の Dr. Sarah Byers の論考の所在について教示される。これは、古代の魂論を考えるための手助けになると思う。それに、The Cambridge Critical Guide to the City of God にも気づいていなかったので、こちらの TOC を忘れぬように転載する。

  • Perception, Sensibility, and Moral Motivation in Augustine (CUP, 2012).
  • “The Psychology of Compassion: A Reading of City of God 9.5” in: The Cambridge Critical Guide to the City of God (CUP, 2012).
  • “Augustine and the Philosophers,” Blackwell Companion to Augustine, ed. M. Vessey (Blackwell, 2012).
  • “Life as ‘Self-Motion’: Descartes and the Aristotelians on the Soul as the Life of the Body,” Review of Metaphysics 59.4 (2006) 723-55.
  • “The Meaning of Voluntas in Augustine,” Augustinian Studies 37.2 (2006) 171-89.
  • “Augustine and the Cognitive Cause of Stoic ‘Preliminary Passions’ (Propatheiai),” Journal of the History of Philosophy XLI.4 (2003) 433-48.

Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide, ed. James Wetzel, Cambridge Critical Guides (Cambridge 2012). 277pages.

  • James Wetzel, ‘Introduction: a tangle of two cities’
  • 1. Mark Vessey, ‘The history of the book: Augustine’s City of God and post-Roman cultural memory’
  • 2. Paul Griffiths, ‘Secularity and the Saeculum’
  • 3. Peter Iver Kaufman, ‘Dystopia: Augustine’s city of Gaud’
  • 4. John Cavadini, ‘It’s a matter of worship: ideology and solidarity’
  • 5. Eric Gregory, ‘The politics of love’
  • 6. Margaret Miles, ‘From rape to resurrection: sin, sexual difference, and politics’
  • 7. Jennifer Herdt, ‘The theatre of the virtues: Augustine’s critique of Pagan mimesis’
  • 8. Sarah Byers, ‘The psychology of compassion: a reading of City of God 9.5’
  • 9. Nicholas Wolterstorff, ‘Augustine’s rejection of eudaimonism’
  • 10. James Wetzel, ‘Augustine on the origin of evil: myth and metaphysics’
  • 11. John Bowlin, ‘Hell and the dilemmas of intractable alienation’
  • 12. Barry David, ‘Divine providence and confession’
  • 13. John Rist, ‘On the nature and worth of Christian philosophy’
  • 14. Bonnie Kent, ‘Reinventing Augustine’s ethics: the afterlife of City of God’

Conference talk @ Yokohama


  • 上村直樹「アウグスティヌス『未完の創世記逐語註解』における聖書解釈の方法」


Seminar talk @ Kyoto


  • 上村直樹「アウグスティヌス『魂の不滅について』における魂不死の論証の意義」
