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Augustine’s Earlier Career
- 354
- 13 November, born at Thagaste (now Souk-Ahras, in Algeria).
- 365-369
- Studies with a grammaticus at Madaura (now Mdaourouch, Algeria).
- 369-370
- Studies interrupted and a year of idleness at Thagaste.
- 370
- Higher studies in rhetoric at Carthage; living with an unnamed woman.
- c. 371
- Death of his father Patricius and the birth of his son Adeodatus.
- c. 373
- Augustine reads the Hortensius; entry into the Manichaean sect.
- 373-374
- Returing from Carthage to Thagaste to teach; a friend dies.
- 374-383
- Teaching at Carthage; his first writing of De pulchro et apto, now lost; meets Faustus of Milevis.
- 383-384
- Teaching at Rome.
- 384
- Goes to Milan as appointed orator; meets Ambrose of Milan.
- 385
- His mother Monnica arrives in Milan.
- 386
- Reading the libri platonicorum (Spring); talks with Simplicianus; meets Ponticianus; the scene in the garden and the conversion (August); goes to Cassiciacum and writes the first Dialogues (September).
- 387
- Returns to Milan (March); baptised with Alypius and Adeodatus at Milan by Ambrose (Easter); Vision at Ostia and the death of his mother Monnica (Autumn).
- 388
- Second stay in Rome with his friends and Adeodatus; leaves Italy and sails to North Africa.
- 389
- Death of his son Adeodatus.
- 391
- Ordained presbyter for Hippo Regius.
- 393
- Speakes at the council of Hippo (October).
- 395
- Ordained coadjutor bishop for Hippo Regius until Valerius dies in 396
- 397
- Death of Ambrose, and succeeded by Simplicianus; Probable beginning of the writing of Confessions.