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I. 報告書
- 科学研究費助成事業データベース「KAKEN」掲載の研究成果報告ページ
- 『転換期における「貧困」に関するアウグスティヌスの洞察と実践の研究』
- 『転換期における「貧困」に関するアウグスティヌスの洞察と実践の研究 別冊』
II. 著作・論文・翻訳
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘The Emergence of Poverty and the Poor in Augustine’s Early Works’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol. 5 (Strathfield 2009) 283–298.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘Poverty in Augustine’s Understanding of his Monastic Life’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol. 5 (Strathfield 2009) 299–306.
- 出村和彦「アウグスティヌスの「貧困」への関わりと「心」」『東北学院大学キリスト教文化研究所紀要』第28号、2010年、1–17 頁.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘On the context and development of Augustine’s early commentaries on the Pauline letters’, SCRINIUM. Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique, PATROLOGIA PACIFICA SECUNDA (St Petersburg 2010) 120–129.
- 出村和彦『アウグスティヌスの「心」の哲学:序説』岡山大学文学部研究叢書 33、岡山大学文学部、2011年、193頁.
- 上村直樹『「貧困」についてのアウグスティヌスの洞察』研究報告書別冊、2012年(原著:P. Allen and E. Morgan, ‘Augustine on Poverty’, in P. Allen, B. Neil, and W. Mayer (eds), Preaching Poverty in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Realities, Arbeiten zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte 28 (Leipzig 2009) chap. 4: 119–170).
III. 口頭発表
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘Rhetorical Approach to the Poor and Poverty in Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos’, Annual meeting of the Centre for Early Christian Studies, 2009年1月31日, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia.
- 出村和彦「アウグスティヌスの「貧困」への関わりと内面化」東北学院大学キリスト教文化研究所キリスト教文化講座、2009年5月30日、東北学院大学.
- 出村和彦「アウグスティヌスにおける教会と修道制」 日本基督教学会東北支部会学術大会公開講演、2009年6月20日、仙台白百合女子大学.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘On the context and development of Augustine’s early commentaries on the Pauline letters’, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 5th Conference, 2009年9月10日、東北学院大学.
- Kamimura,Naoki, ‘Spiritual Exercises in the Letters of Augustine’, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 5th Conference, 2009年9月10日、東北学院大学.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘Christianae vitae otium in Augustine’s De Academicis (or Contra Academicos)’, The 34th International Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference, 2009年10月17日, Villanova Conference Center, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘Christian Ethics of St. Augustine on Poverty’, The First International Conference of the Patristic Society in Korea, 2010年3月19日, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘The Use of the Poor and Poverty in Augustine’s City of God’, The First International Conference of the Patristic Society in Korea, 2010年3月19日, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘The Evolving View of the “religion” in Augustine’s Early Works’, North American Patristic Society 20th Annual Meeting, 2010年5月28日, Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘Spiritual Exercises in the Sermons of Augustine’, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies, 2010年5月30日, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘Politics of Dedicating a Book: A Case of Augustine to Flavius Marcellinus and Manlius Theodorus’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, 6th International Conference, 2010年7 月9日, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘The exercitatio animi (or exercitatio mentis) of Augustine in the City of God’, Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, 6th International Conference, 2010年7月9日, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘Augustine’s heart-centered anthropology and the psychological reconfiguration of the community dealing with poverty’, Joint Japanese-Australian Seminar on Crisis in Late Antiquity, 2011年3月3日, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘Augustine’s Spiritualisation of the Poor in an Era of Crisis’, Joint Japanese-Australian Seminar on Crisis in Late Antiquity, 2011年3月3日, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Kamimura, Naoki, ‘Augustine’s Spiritualisation of the Poor in an Era of Crisis’, The 18th International Medieval Congress, 2011年7月12日, Weetwood Hall, The University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Demura, Kazuhiko, ‘The Concept of Heart in Augustine of Hippo: Its Emergence and Development’, Plenary Lecture, The 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, 2011 年8月12日, Oxford, United Kingdom.