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- 凡例 VII
- はじめに 出村和彦 1
- アウグスティヌスの「貧困」への関わりと「心」 出村和彦 11
- 古代末期北アフリカのアウグスティヌスの教会: アウグスティヌスの『民衆向け説教』 Sermones ad populum 12
- アウグスティヌス自身の貧しさについて 17
- 『詩編注解』における「貧困」 19
- 私たちの「心」cor の問題としての「貧困」 21
- Rhetorical Approach to the Poor and Poverty: A Case Study of Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos Naoki Kamimura 25
- Introduction 25
- First Descriptions of the Poor in the Desk Commentaries 28
- Second Descriptions of the Poor in the Sermons 33
- Concluding Remarks 39
- Poor and Poverty in the Earthly City: A Case Study of Augustine’s De ciuitate dei Naoki Kamimura 41
- Introduction 41
- The Poor and Poverty in the First Part of De ciuitate dei 43
- The Poor and Poverty in the Latter Part of De ciuitate dei 46
- Concluding Remarks 50
- Augustine’s Spiritualisation of the Poor in an Era of Crisis Naoki Kamimura 53
- Introduction 53
- The Problematics of Almsgiving 55
- The Problem of the Inner Disposition 58
- Conclusion 61
- Christian Ethics of St. Augustine on Poverty Kazuhiko Demura 65
- 原典索引 75